Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cafe World Tip : Laying out your Cafe World cafe

So you want to know which is the best effective cafe world layout? Well of course the layout of the cafe is only one aspect of the game. There are many more secrets you should know. Take a look at what three people said about Cafe World secrets guide.

"I was Completely Surprised to See Just How Wrong I was Playing this Game"
The whole idea of buying a guide for playing Cafe World seemed pretty silly at first but I had some money burning a hole in my wallet so I decided it was worth giving it a try. After reading through the guide I started to realize that I was wrong. When I used the information on my own cafe I started seeing results almost instantly. My buzz rating increased dramatically and it became easier and easier to make coins. Now I have already increased 10 levels and rising!

Thanks for the help!
Ian E.

"I Didn't Believe How Easy It Could Be..."
When I first came across this guide I was very skeptical. I didn't believe a simple ebook could make as much of a difference as it said. I consider myself to be a smart person so when I saw that my best friends little brother (who just started playing) had a better cafe than me, I decided I needed help. Now after downloading the guide I have more coins, expensive decorations and a sweet looking restaurant. I only wish I had this guide sooner.

Emi Fukushima

"I am Level 42 and I Still Look Back On My Guide"
Even if you think that you couldn’t learn anything from a guide you will be surprised. I had a good cafe was level 29 and my cafe was better than most of my friends. I thought I had this game completely figured out but I was wrong. Once I started using these methods my cafe jumped levels in no time and I had more coins than I thought possible. I also didn’t have to spend nearly as much time as I used to yet my cafe is better than ever. I am a level 42 and I still look back on my guide.

Cafe World Secret - Earn money quickly!!!!

So you want know how to earn money quickly in cafe world? There are many legal tips and tricks you can use and also a few secret ‘cheats’. In order for you to find out these Cafe World tips, trick and cheats you really need professional help from someone who is already at the top[ of the ladder. Take a look at what some people said about Cafe World secrets.

"I have the best cafe out of all my friends but now I only have to put in half the time!"
I always figured the reason I could never get ahead in Cafe World was because I didnt have enough time. All my friends that had better cafes than me had them simply because they were able to go on facebook more than me.

When I bought this guide I finally realized that with minimal play you are still able to maximize your profits. In just a couple weeks i was able to completely overtake all my friends and they were begging me for my secrets. I have more than enough coins and my points and stats are through the roof!
Thanks so much again. I am now a level 27 Royal Boiler. I hope you stop selling this guide soon because I want these secrets to stay safe! :)
Steph Campbell.

After using this guide I have completely changed how I play the game. I didnt realize that by changing a few simple things I could easily improve my cafe. By learning even more from this guide I have been able to completely automate my cafe and I still rake in the cash !
Jenny H.

"I Didn't Believe How Easy It Could Be..."
When I first came across this guide I was very skeptical. I didn't believe a simple ebook could make as much of a difference as it said. I consider myself to be a smart person so when I saw that my best friends little brother (who just started playing) had a better cafe than me, I decided I needed help. Now after downloading the guide I have more coins, expensive decorations and a sweet looking restaurant. I only wish I had this guide sooner.
Emi Fukushima

TIP For Cafe World : Build the Best Cafe

You probably have always wished you could dominate cafe world like so many other players. Have millions of coins in your account and have a level 50 cafe!

Like so many others when I began playing Cafe World I thought it would be really easy and anyone could get as good at Cafe World as anyone else with just a little time. I soon realized that becoming the ultimate cafe world chef would not be as easy as I first thought.

In only a few days of playing I was completely broke, my cafe looked terrible and I was still a very low level. That was when I decided to spend some time, and money to research how to design the perfect cafe.

Once the grueling process of trial and error was over and I had discovered the secret techniques that can propel to the top of the Cafe World. I have tested the product myself and have perfected the guide so you will only be getting the most useful information.

Hundreds of players just like you have already bought the original Cafe World guide for mastering the game and dominating your friends. Join the other people who have used this guide as part of an elite group of players who have the secrets to succeed in the game.

Throughout this detailed and completely exclusive guide which will be downloaded as PDF format, you will discover all of my secrets that are giving people the necessary advantage to become Cafe World masters.

Don't struggle to compete with other facebook users when you can simply use this guide and destroy the competition. You will no longer have to...

Why You'll Love Cafe World

If you have a Facebook account, you also have access to a bunch of fun free games. Perhaps the hottest of these games right now is Cafe World, from social networking site gaming giant Zynga. Let me tell you why I think you're going to love this game. Millions of people already do!

Have you ever imagined chucking your day job working for the man and opening your own cafe? Millions of us love the idea of being our own boss, and spending our days creating amazing meals that bring happiness to everyone who walks in the door. It's a romantic dream of a better life, one that you may well share with us.

The problem of course is that turning this dream into reality is very hard. You need to be able to afford to set up the business, staff it, stock it, and promote it. You also really need experience in the food service industry to have a chance. And you need to be willing to work long and hard for very little pay until the business takes off.

We won't even go into the problems of convincing family and friends that you're not nuts for doing it.

This is where Cafe World comes in. This game gives us all the chance to try out the dream of running our own cafe. In it, you design your cafe. You select the menu, acquire the ingredients, and cook the meals. You hire and manage the staff. You make sure the place is cleaned up and running smoothly. And you become wildly successful, achieving Cafe World Domination, or you fail, all opn your own merits.

The game is full of options and possibilities. And every choice you make has effects on everything else. It is a fascinating and addicting game that you're going to love.

At the beginning, you'll find it easy to set up your cafe and start it growing. But just as in real life, as your cafe grows, so do your challenges. This adds to the excitement, but if you get stuck, it can be extremely frustrating.

That's why many players turn to a game guide, an ebook full of tips, techniques, advice, and even secrets that the best players use to dominate Cafe World. It's like the franchise guide people get when they open a chain restaurant, but this one helps you succeed as you make your cafe a unique reflection of your spirit. Invest in the right Cafe World guide at the start, and you'll be amazed at how fast the buzz will grow about your place.